Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Nuthin' Like a Nosewarmer

When going through Knitty's archive in search of awesome knitting patterns, I came across the Nosewarmer. No, I am not joking. I cracked up and immediately printed it out. Using some mystery sock yarn ( leftover from my first pair of socks ever) I knit it up, added the tassel, and attached the tie in just 1 1/2 hours. Gratification just doesn't get any more instant than that! I am now turning them out at a rapid rate. It's my dreams come true! Now my nose won't get frostbite and fall off! The only issue is I can't exactly wear it in public. Drat.


Ravenswick said...

Those nosewarmers are so funny and cute! But I think you should wear yours out--might start a new fashion trend!

happybug said...

You had better not give me one of those for Christmas, young lady.